My notes from ChatGPT: List of Cancer hospitals in India

Here is a list of some well-known cancer hospitals in India: Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai : One of the oldest and most reputed cancer hospitals in India, known for its comprehensive cancer care and research. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi : AIIMS is a premier medical institute in India with a dedicated cancer treatment center that offers advanced care and research facilities. Adyar Cancer Institute, Chennai : Known for its expertise in cancer treatment and research, particularly in radiation oncology and surgical oncology. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Delhi : A leading cancer hospital providing comprehensive cancer care with state-of-the-art facilities. Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai : Founded by Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy, it is one of the oldest cancer hospitals in India, known for its pioneering work in cancer treatment and research. Apollo Hospitals, Chennai : Part of the Apollo Group, it offers specialized cancer care across various...

Say Hello to Azure Functions

In this post, I am going to describe how you can create and deploy an Azure Function using Http Trigger.

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. Click on New Project
  3. Select Azure Functions

  4. Select Azure v2 and HttpTrigger

  5. public static class HelloFunctions
            public static IActionResult Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)]HttpRequest req, TraceWriter log)
                log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
                string name = req.Query["name"];
                string requestBody = new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd();
                dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
                name = name ?? data?.name;
                return name != null
                    ? (ActionResult)new OkObjectResult($"Hello, {name}")
                    : new BadRequestObjectResult("Please pass a name on the query string or in the request body");